5 Ways to Save Money at DIY Stores

We all love DIY home improvements but they can sometimes prove expensive. Here’s our best tips on how to save money at DIY stores, so that you can finally make those much needed home improvements!

New house owner concept

1. Buy in bulk – if you’re buying something you will use often, such as lightbulbs, you can often but them in bulk at a reduced price. Be sure to check the price per item on the shelf label.

2. Compare prices online – there are plenty of price comparison sites out there to help you find the best deals. We recommend Idealo or Price Runner. You might even find a better deal online on sites such as eBay!

3. Hunt for coupons – if you’re going to a specific store or are looking for a specific item, try a simple Google search for a discount code or offer. For example B&Q are currently holding a ‘15% off Bathroom Orders Over £200’ deal – but hurry! These offers often end fast.

4. Measure, don’t guess! – You’re undertaking a DIY project that requires screws, but you have no idea what size so you just guess and end up buying more than necessary. Does that sound familiar? Taking exact measurements and sizes beforehand could save you both time and money!

5. Paint samples – You want an exact colour match to paint over the cracks on your wall?  Some stores will give out small paint samples for free, but if you have to buy them they will definitely save you money.

Decorating tools and materials