5 ways to insulate your home

1. Your Attic – It is essential to insulate your attic as a quarter of your homes heat can be lost through the roof. Not only will this make your home warmer but it will also save you money on your energy bills.


2. Windows – As the weather gets colder; you might start to notice the cold is entering your bedrooms, living room and kitchen. An upgrade to double or triple glazed windows will make a big difference. To further prevent any heat from escaping you could also purchase some window insulation film.


3. Doors – To help you find the draught that is coming from your door, light a candle and use it to find the source. The flame will flicker when it indicates a draught. Also, there is an easier option which is a draught excluder or stopper. These are used to eliminate cold draught and heat loss. The draught excluder should be placed at the bottom of your door.


4. Walls – 35% of heat escapes through your walls. Cavity wall insulation is a good way to keep warmth in your home. Was your home built after 1920? Is so, your walls are most likely be made of two layers with a gap or cavity. If you decide to purchase cavity wall insulation this will fill the gaps in and enable the heat to stay in your home.

5. Flooring – Did you know that  15% of your homes heat can escape through your floors? Insulating and draught proofing the floors in your house can be cost effective. If you don’t have a rug maybe it’s something you could invest in, it won’t solve all your problems but putting a rug on top of your floor will help to maintain some of the draught that might be escaping.